A Life-Changing Fitness Journey
I had been someone that loved going to the gym to workout and work towards my results. I had been going for a couple years and seeing some progress but doing it all on my own. When Covid hit, I decided to find another solution and that’s when I had started training at HonestGainzz. We did a lot of HIIT workouts, cardio modified for my bad knee, and using resistance bands. Every day was different and I was incredibly exhausted after,
Knowing I had gotten a good workout in. My body started to transform. My arms started to chisel, my back muscles showed more, my abs started to come through, and my legs were tightening. Since I was so use to my routine and my gym life having a personal trainer was such a good experience. I had someone else to tell me what to do, different workouts to be educated on, explanations on this muscle group and that muscle group, it was something I didn’t realize the impact it had on my body. I am still on my fitness journey and will continue on it with the knowledge I’ve gained. It’s been great!
-Megan Henry
The Power of Personalized Training
My time with HonestGainzz has been one of the best highlights of my life. Marcel is an excellent trainer who helped me reach my peak physically and mentally. Marcel is more than a trainer; he was a teacher. We created a bond like Goku and Master Roshi. HonestGainzz is the way if you are trying to see results the right way! If you complain, you stay the same.
-Anthony Carrell
From Complacency to Confidence
Before HonestGainzz, life was different. Nothing to look forward to besides my 8-5 job, and what I needed to do to prepare for work. Then one day I thought, “there has to be more to life than just this”. As the days went by I started to get depressed, my health was on a decline, and I felt alone because I had no confidence to talk about how I was feeling. One day I had a good talk with Mr. Jackson, CEO of HonestGainzz, and decided to sign up. It completely changed my life. I got more organized right off the bat. I cleaned up my diet, got my a** beat in every workout, and had someone who cared about how I was doing especially with my mind set. Moral of the story is HonestGainzz is the vehicle that's going to get you where you want to be in life. HonestGainzz is going to challenge you to become a better person then who you were yesterday.
-Marky Perez
Confidence and Lifestyle Transformation
When it comes to working out I was not one to join the hype until I was introduced to Jackson and HonestGainzz. I had no idea where to start when it came to working out but with the help of HonestGainzz I was able to learn what my body needed and the confidence I had been lacking. Working with Jackson is an experience that you won't get from any other trainer, you don't just get an awesome workout, you gain an awesome life style, mindset, confidence booster but most importantly you gain a great friend/family that motivates you and encourages you to do your best no matter what! Its not just a training program its a lifestyle that sticks with you forever!
-Morgan Haynes
Attention to Detail and Commitment to Progress
As a high school athlete, I’ve been fortunate to play for and against great teams. Jackson is one of the most detail-oriented and knowledgeable coaches I’ve ever worked with. His enthusiasm & positive energy always encouraged me to do better. It was a nice experience! He’ll always push you and try to perform drills with you. I liked how he was always understanding and mindful of others with giving you enough breaks. Some of the best training routines came from homework assignments. Jackson would tailor each workout within your schedule and have time available for you on the Honestgainzz digital platform. Jackson combined the HonestGainzz encyclopedia of workouts with in-person training methodologies. He would help me focus on proper form and nutrition, while being enthusiastic towards his work and clients.
-Laverdius Hughes
Overcoming Health Challenges
Earlier this year I was thinking of signing up with another trainer who was recommended to me by a friend and who I wasn't that excited about working with. Then I met Marcel in June 2020. He radiated kindness and positivity and I knew I needed to be around someone like that if I was really going to get healthy. Working with Marcel has been fun and easy and I find myself looking forward to long and sometimes hard workouts. He makes workouts go by super fast and he's very encouraging. I also have an autoimmune disease and Marcel has been super understanding and willing to work within my limits. I've heard from friends that their trainers are super strict and rigid and that is the complete opposite of the experience I've had when working with Marcel. He has been a godsend! Over the past 6 months I've lost around 4 inches and I feel the strongest I've ever felt, even though I've struggled with my health. Everyone needs someone like Marcel in their lives.
-Maggie Burns
Building Confidence Inside and Out
To start off, I wanted give huge credit to HonestGainzz for allowing me to come into this program and for growing in my knowledge that I know today.
When I first started HonestGainzz, I had no confidence or idea about working out and eating right. Jackson really takes the time to educate you not only physically but mentally He has pushed me in so many ways that I didn’t even know I could push myself. He gave me so much confidence inside and out.
The digital platform that HonestGainzz has to offer will not only challenge you, but it will test you in so many ways. It is very easy to use and very organized. If you’re consistent with the program, you will get toned in no time, Jackson will have the answer to a lot of your questions. If you’re struggling with something, he throughly explains things to you. I have seen so many results! I couldn’t thank him enough for the amount of work and dedication he has put into his program, not just his business, but everyone he helps.
HonestGainzz is about being HONEST and he will always keep things 100% real with you because he truly wants to see you succeed. I appreciate that a lot about him and the program. If you’re thinking about joining the digital platform, I wouldn’t even think twice about it. It is very easy to use as long as you’re not cheating yourself. I recommend this program 100% because it’s changed my overall self confidence. Again thank you Honestgainzz for helping me achieve my everyday goals.
-Addriana Trejo
Personal Push with Positive Results
I have tried a few trainers; they did not push me enough to keep me wanting to continue to workout. I needed a little bit more of a push. HonestGainzz was introduced to me through a friend one day, and decided to reach out to Jackson. He explained his digital platform and showed me some of the best techniques for obtaining results. He has a great attitude, and is very honest which made me want to continue working out with him. He gives great advice for workouts and in life. I was sore the next couple of days, but the good kind of sore. He keeps up with his clients, and I recommend him to anyone who wants a change in his or her life.
-Sherry Younan
Consistency and Engagement
“Marcel’s workouts are the best part of my day.”
I have been working out with Marcel for close to a year and it has been such a wonderful experience for many reasons. First and foremost, Marcel has such a positive attitude. He’s constantly encouraging me and pushing me to my edge and to be the best version of myself. He also is very present while he trains you. In my past experience, many trainers are distracted on their phones but not Marcel. He stays engaged and coaches through every step to the workout. It’s also great that he brings equipment with him which keeps the workouts exciting and fresh. Lastly, my husband just started working out with us so it’s been a fun way to get stronger together as a couple - literally and figuratively . Thanks Marcel for all that you do! 🙏🏼❤️💪🏼!
-Sarah Brusch Haghighi
A Holistic Approach to Fitness and Life
Marcel was introduced to me by a friend. He’s a great trainer who ended up not only getting me back into shape for crew, but also gave me guidelines on what to eat in order to maximize my workout and see results quickly. He always had a fresh new routine that would keep me engaged and excited. On top of a great workout regiment and quick results, Marcel is a great guy and I enjoyed working with him over the summer. He helped me reach my goals and made it fun along the way. I recommend Honestgainzz to anyone looking to not waste time and get in shape.
-Cameron Sakoulis
Jackson is a great trainer. He always finds a way to mix it up so that each session has its own unique quality and identify. He focuses on different aspects of cardio and core training and takes time to customize his routine to your specific needs. On top of it, he’s a nice and caring guy and takes genuine interest in your well being.
-Paul Kasrovi
Trusted by All Ages
My name is Sepi Razavi, and I have been a dentist for almost 30 years. Marcel Jackson started training me 3 years ago. I have had trainers almost all my adult life. I can tell that he is the best trainer I have ever had. He is knowledgeable about the anatomy of the body and what type of workout you need to get you to be in the best shape. He is on time, very nice and always has a great attitude. Above all he loves what he does and that makes you want to train with him even more. He trains me 2 to 3x a week. Recently I have signed up my 16-year-old son to train with him. My son gets up at 6:30 am, 2x a week and trains with him. He makes it pleasant for even a teenager to exercise. My son is in varsity tennis, and he is training him for a big season that they are going to have. I highly recommend him. This is the best shape I have ever been in my life. You would be lucky if he becomes your personal trainer.
-Sepi Razavi D.D.S
Results That Speak for Themselves
While training with honestgainzz I had several positive outcomes. Throughout my whole life ever since I was very young I had been training with multiple different facilities doing strength, agility, and conditioning classes to better myself and my athletic performance in sports. I must say these classes did make a noticeable difference in how I performed but nothing close to how well I improved with honestgainzz. The moment I started training with him I felt a huge difference. I started seeing faster progress than ever before. I’ve always been more on the skinny side and wanted to gain more muscle weight but never could. Once I started working out with him I instantly put on 5 pounds of muscle and my arms got noticeably bigger. Not long after I put on 5 more pounds of muscle and I felt so much stronger and conditioned. After each session/workout I felt very tired because of a great workout. I was feeling better throughout the day and I noticed an increase of stamina overall whether I was running in sports or working out. Playing baseball felt much better, my bat felt lighter, increasing my bat speed and hitting power/velocity. I also was throwing the ball a lot harder. It was a great experience working out with honestgainzz and the advice that was given was always on point.
-Rayan Ebrahimi
Life-Changing Transformation
Beginning my training with HonestGainzz, specifically Marcel, I was slightly overweight and complacent with my health. Throughout our work, I've not only lost 20+ pounds, but I've restructured my diet. I feel better than ever, and I owe many thanks to Marcel, who was a large catalyst. He employed various methods in training and diet, catering to my genetic advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, he is a man of utmost character who both commits to his word and will be candid with you. He will always tell you the truth. Furthermore, Marcel listens when I talk about non-workout-related subjects in my personal life. He gives great advice and helps calm my stress. To whoever is on the fence about starting work with Honest Gainzz and Marcel, I urge you to take the leap and start. It will change your life.
-Sahm Taguchi